Dec 16, 2015

My comment was straight-up deleted from the PG's account of the history of Kaufmann's

Like any normal millenniall, i don't even care a little bit about the downtown Macy's that used to be a Kaufmann's department store closing. That said; there are about a million local elderly who see this change as very troubling. It warrants a future book report, for sure; what I must determine today is whether my comment was wrongfully deleted from the Post-Gazette comment section.

The Purpose of Journalism

I would submit that the goal of writing and producing a newspaper every day is to give the PGH citizens a resource for recounting local events and behaving accordingly. What a wonderful and thoughtful goal. In light of the deep-rooted tradition surrounding Kaufmann's department store, what should be done, journalism-wise?


My comment "Amazon Prime is a wonderful service" or whatever I said is a million percent true & deleted = amazon is a loser today

Do Department Stores deserve to exist?

Not for my g-d generation they don't old man; you tell me if there are enuff of yins to justify ross park mall....


We have a lot of tough choices coming up as millennialls.. but nobody lives dahntahn & therefore, it's silly to expect downtown department stores to survive when amazon prime is just so much easier

LOL, just realized the CLE browns don't necessarily have to be a part of the earth rebuilding process...

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