Dec 16, 2015

Let's read the morning paper - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Mon Incline to remain out of service for several days

  • "The Port Authority's Monongahela Incline is expected to remain out of service for several more days while a contractor works on the system that operates the doors on the two cars.
  • The incline, which has had periodic problems with its doors since it reopened Nov. 18 after a $3.5 million rehabilitation, has been closed since Friday. The incline carries riders between Mount Washington and Station Square.
  • Port Authority spokesman Adam Brandolph said the problem began with replacement of the original doors on the incline cars. That style of door is so old that it is no longer manufactured.
  • The new doors are operated by battery and the system has been so busy that the cars haven't been sitting in the station long enough to recharge properly, causing the doors to malfunction, Mr. Brandolph said. He said the modern doors are "not necessarily designed with an incline in mind."
  • Contractor Mosites Corp. is working on the doors and electrical system. It expects to begin extended testing over the next couple of days, Mr. Brandolph said.
  • The authority is running shuttle buses while the incline is out of service.
  • Ed Blazina: or 412-263-1470.

As a concerned future resident of the beautiful 1000 Grandview Ave condominiums; I have a lot of interest in news developments coming out of Mount Worshington. What are we going to do about the Bayer sign???????????

The obsession w/ the old Kaufmann's department store may be worth a book report by itself. Local elderlies are obsessed with their 1/2 century old memories of being taken to a department store because they didnt have the internet in the 50's. Get real....

The PG burying the lede here with this background image gem that must be from the late 1960's:

transcript: " We had a terrible time
Finding a name for you.
It had to be right,
Clever and bright,
For you were so gosh-darn NEW!

With your MOVABLE ROOF (Fool-proof!)
Retractable dome (right here at home)
Star-studded skies, gigantic size...
Where is a NAME for you?

Finding a name for you.
What auditorium ever combined
All of the things you do?
       The Civic Light Opera's Broadway Delights,
       Ice Hockey,
       The Home Show
       The Dog Show
       The Ice Skating sprites,
       The Scout Jamboree,
       The Basketball heights,
       The opening dome,
       And the breathtaking sights. . .
Where is the "likes" of you?

Who can believe, who can conceive
All the excitement you hold up your sleeve .  .  .
You've got to be SEEN to know what we MEAN
You're almost too good to be true.

"CIVIC ARENA"??? (I guess it'll do)
      But, to me, you're the BIG IGLOO!"

Man arrested, youth taken to detention center after confrontation at Wood Street T Station

Best line from the article: ”It’s safe to say the situation was serious enough to result in charges,“ Mr. Ritchie said. ”We have police stationed every weekday because we’ve had issues with fighting and vandalism in the past. The escalators are a frequent target, for some reason. They either tamper with the rubber handrail, by pulling it off, or they’re trying to jam it and shut it down. Any hesitation [in the escalator operation] shuts it down immediately, and we often get bombarded with complaints that they’re broken. Well, this is why.“

This story is a wonderful microcosm of Pittsburgh morality; hey commuters, want to complain that the Wood Street subway station escalator is always broken? How 'bout yi's quit jamming up the rubber handrail system and just get a pack of smokes instead?

Power Ranking the (free) T-stops:

1 North Side - Gets you to and fro' Stillers and Bucco games; just be careful not to travel during peak hours or you may suffer from severe passenger B.O.

2 Gateway - the Gateway to downtown, this stop is perhaps the most credible-Subway looking station complete with a big glass enclosure at an otherwise shaky intersection. A modern marvel

3 Steel Plaza - financial heart of the city and wouldn't you know it; the Crazy Mocha in their has incredible deals & mediocre, if were being charitable, customer service


4 Wood Street - element of danger but I love it... subway station in the heart of the cultural district; if you can dream it you can achieve it

5 First Street - great for South Side residents like I used to be; also great for scenic views of the county jail/ a certain questionable retail bank that shall remain unnamed... Got to love an above-ground subway station - call it a Superway!

6 Allegheny - the T is a boondoggle & the Rooneys are crooks! For those not up on local issues; the Steelers paid roughly the salary of one year of Ross Cockrell to contribute to the first ~2 years of the subway being free; as soon as that deal was up they strongarmed the city / north shore parking lot sharks into paying for it. Savvy business but honestly pretty shady, they also didn't pay for the new seats in the south end zone...

Trib Total Media says it will close McKeesport, Monessen newspapers

Is there anything better in the newspaper biz than watching your rivals "refocus on delivering web content"? LOL

Political cartoon:

In this web logger's humble opinion, the only cool Pittsburgh steeler backup QB jerseys to wear are Chuck Batch & Tyler Palko. 

Pittsburgh Public Schools have large surplus, audit 


The political climate in this country has me so pessimistic about politicians that I opened this story expecting to read something awful. As it turns out; this is wonderful news, Pittsburgh Public schools made a forecast and conservatively expected to be over budget. As it turns out, they were fiscally responsible for a long period of time and now have a large budget surplus. Per the PG; the biggest concern to come out of this audit was that we hope the city's public schools are spending enough on materials to provide a good education for young 'burghers. 

The future is so bright, I have to wear sunglasses...

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