Dec 9, 2015

I came across a pretty incredible internet nugget while looking for pictures of Emil Brown. Did you know that in 2006, as a member of the Kansas City Royals, Emil Brown was tasked with reviewing movies in a 3 part series called Movie Talk with Emil Brown? Here's an example from the time Emil Brown watched "Grizzly Man"
GRIZZLY MAN (2005) Documentary/Biography, Rated R for language,103 minutes, Directed by Werner Herzog, Written by Werner Herzog, Starring Werner Herzog, Timothy Treadwell and Amie Huguenard.
First of all, let me point out that this movie was recommended to me by a teammate, a teammate that shall remain nameless (but wears No. 29). Needless to say, as much as I love the guy, I'll never take a movie recommendation from him again! I had high hopes for this documentary, but by the end I was left with disappointment. It was slow with little to no action, which surprised me since it documented living with bears. In fact, it was so uneventful that by the end I actually wanted to see the bear attack. I think that would have brought life to a movie that was dead on arrival.

Look man. I'm bummed that Emil Brown is not a Werner Herzog guy.  That being said, I'm glad that his Kansas City Royals teammate numbered #29 was most likely Mike Sweeney - what a player! That Emil Brown asked Mike Sweeney for movie recommendations and he said "Grizzly Man" despite Emil Brown's predispositions is hilarious. lol...

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