Newspaper writer - probably sucks to have your family / everyone you know warn you that you work in a dying industry. the news is inherently boring
school teacher - rodney dangerfield job, can't get no respect. kids under the age of ~25 are really dumb
mailman - ditto newspaper dying industry. any job that is repetititve and boring like delivering mail just seems soul crushing
insurance - what a bunch of humorless drones. imagine your job is to jag people around in times of crisis. my god
any kind of restaurant role - cooking food for other people; romanticized by some but proven to be a nightmare by countless others. they call them kitchen nightmares for a reason. why would you want to constantly cook food for a bunch of idiot customers
police - kind of don't even want to touch this one. nobody likes a rules guy
medicine - my goodness, the pressure. at least you get to tell yourself you're helping others and really feel like you mean it
professional sports - literally everyone can criticize you personally all the time, and they do. have to workout constantly; basically the last people in america expected to stay in shape. paid handsomely but what is the marginal gain of making $10 million instead of $1 million, especially when your job forces you to live in depressing 'burgs like ours? I'm not sold that that's worth it..
office monkey - sedentary lifestyle shared with dullards. probably the most common adult job. extremely whatever
michigan still sucks
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